Secret Surf Travel Surf blog

Strength training – compensation for the days off from surfing


Are you the same as me?

Autumn and subsequent winter came quite suddenly. The daily SUP paddling and weekly surfboard paddling training will become less because you no longer feel full motivation when looking out the window. Time management sometimes changes to a sporting disadvantage. At least that’s how it is for me. But what was even worse in the past was that after the paddling season at the “SUP Station Koeln” I gained 2-3 kilos more on my ribs relatively quickly. And that within a very short time. For me it’s a total nightmare because I’m heading south for surfing in the winter and I should be fit. So what to do?

Strength training in a full studio is certainly not what you can imagine right now. First and foremost, I see it the same way and try to do sports in the open air as much as possible. However, after a long time, I started building strength in the studio again in February of this year.

I chose the MCFit Studio for 19.90 euros per month. 12 month term. Open 24 hours. And what’s ideal is that I can pause the post for up to 6 months during surf travel time. There are warm showers for my bus life and, depending on the time, something for the eyes :-). Every studio in Germany can be used. Seriously, why I do this is obvious. At the age of 45, you are no longer the youngest, even if you are an eternal athlete, and according to the motto, if you rest, you rust, it is important to keep moving. But also to prevent injuries. In my opinion, surfing is still a competitive sport and if you get unfit during the times you don’t spend on the beach, you’ll get it back threefold in the first surf session.

In addition to surfing and SUP, my training consists of strength training, running, stretching and a fairly proper diet. (unfortunately the good B & J ice cream always ends up in my fridge somehow). You can get your own nutrition under control with certain APPs. I use “MyFitnesspal” for this. A free, fully functional app (upgrade possible) where I enter exactly what I eat throughout the day. This gives me a good overview. But the important thing is that I set myself a calorie requirement for the day. Well, that’s around 2040 per day. Ladies different. But if you want to lose weight, you can reduce it. 1800 is a good basis. Don’t rush it, just let your body get used to it. After a few settings, the app offers you everything about your actual and target value. Stores your value daily. If you like, you can also connect Fitnesspal with other apps or your fitness watch.

My diet during the week is as good as I can get a banana in the morning before training and before surfing. After training, have a protein shake and something warm in your stomach once a day. Don’t forget fruit. Six pack excluded, as unfortunately something sweet always finds its way into the daily requirement. You should definitely find your own routine and adjust the calories and nutrition according to your needs. Nutrition makes up a large part of training, especially after the age of 30 when metabolism changes. There are enough books and videos on this.

Training for beginners is my goal in this #blog report. Simply find a good sport that keeps you fit over the winter and is good because building muscle never hurts. It’s not about becoming a pumper, but about stabilizing the body through targeted training.

The start in October was of course not easy. First go to the studio at least 3 times a week. (That’s enough at the beginning). And this is where we start, because every start should start with a few weights. Especially when bench pressing. We are basically at ZERO. Difficult situation, because everyone around you has a lot of weights on their bars, and I’m handling without or with 5 kg plates per side. You feel ashamed. But that doesn’t matter at all, because the focus is more on doing the exercises correctly and properly. Anything else will only lead to irritation and injury. Feel free to hire a personal trainer to show you a few times. There are also plenty of books and videos on the subject. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of junk, so you should take enough time to learn how to train properly. What is also important at this point is breathing during the exercises and taking breaks between sets.

After a 10-minute warm-up, my training time is about 60 minutes of strength training and 15 minutes of fast treadmill walking. Then another 10 minutes of stretch. When I jog on the assembly line for 35 minutes at a time. You can see that it’s not really time-consuming, but I’m happy with the way I put together my exercises for what I need for surfing and SUP. Of course, I also manage the sets in an APP called “Fitnesspoint”. My watch records the calorie consumption. There are also 2 good ones. Garmin and Apple. I switched to the second option. The training itself is a type of circuit training. No real breaks as I try to rest the sore muscle between sets, but practice movement exercises that are good for my surfing. The strength exercises in return biceps to triceps.

There are so many different training options that everyone has to find for themselves. In the beginning, please include more muscle areas. It’s just important to take things slowly at the beginning. Stimulate the muscle 2-3 times a week.

Go surfing or SUP paddling on the weekends. Then you are well on your way to getting through the winter fit. Of course, all of this works much better with the right sound on your ears. Beats gives me the opportunity to run around the studio freely via Bluetooth. Leave your cell phone next to the exercise device sometimes. May the sound be with you.

Thank you for reading.

I hope to be able to help a little further and perhaps motivate some people to stay sporty over the winter. Strength training shouldn’t just be seen as a pump sport. In addition to endurance sports, strength training simply strengthens the muscles and gives the body a certain amount of support.

I’m looking forward to a comment, otherwise have a good time.

See you on the water.


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