” Portuguese man o war ”
For about a week I have noticed more and more during some walks along the waterfront of Portugal that many so-called “Portuguese galleys” were washed up. Since the little colleagues look very interesting and may also like to be touched by one or the other stroller, I am writing this little post, because they are anything but harmless.
Of course, they are also a danger to surfers in the water.
But what is a galley anyway?
Well let’s say something like a jellyfish, but not that gelig. That makes them look very interesting. Your Kobus looks like a gas bubble and can grow up to 30 cm in size and provides buoyancy. She mostly swims on the surface, but can submerge in seconds.
Now to the essentials, then under the Kobus it has numerous tentacles up to 50 meters (yes METERS) long. A mixture of blue or red-violet. There are up to 1000 nettle cells per cm.
What happens when you contact?
If they come into contact, red wheals usually appear on the skin (lasting 2-3 days) and extreme pain occurs. (lasting about 1 hour). Usually there is no mortal danger for adults. BUT there is a very high risk of an “allergic shock” because the wet ones contain a lot of protein.
To be on the safe side, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
What to do in case of contact
Under no circumstances use fresh water or vinegar. Rather remove salt water and nettles. Hot water (over 45 C) is the best option to destroy the protein. Peeing on it is also of NO use 🙂
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