Did you actually know how much it costs if you get caught driving with headphones on?
In Germany it is allowed to wear headphones while driving, but here the music should be adjusted so that you can hear the sirens. So it’s better to only cover one ear when talking on the phone.
I thought the same thing in the rest of Europe, but I guess I was wrong because in Spain you are NOT allowed to use headphones while driving. Neither in one ear nor in both. Not even for making phone calls.
When it comes to the consequences, foreigners are given preference (we were lucky). For a Spaniard it costs 200 euros + 3 points. A foreigner 100 euros and a friendly handshake.
So dear bus friends, turn up your system so loud that you can no longer hear the hum of your engine and listen to its lovely sounds. No matter how long the ears last.
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